1)      Where we are is trusting God every step of our way as we feel like there are bricks on our feet and things aren’t moving as fast as we’d like, BUT God is sooooo much bigger than this process and we believe these “bricks” are from Him…keep us “grounded” in HIS TIME! (*but gosh, it is sooo frustrating at times!)

2)      We are heading to Niagara Falls for a few weeks to stay with friends and support them in ministry (check them out at Hope Club of Niagara on Facebook)! AND, we’re having a team from Findlay meet us there to do some street ministries with kiddos from the neighborhood!!

3)      We are preparing for war I mean another yard sale! HA! August 4, 5, and 6th we will set up shop at some friends’ house for the Lincoln Highway Buy-Way Sale (check  HERE for more info). I’m telling ya, it’s intense! Feel free to message me for directions to our spot as we will have snacks, multiple families with TONS of STUFF, and we’ll have the ever-important stop with the port-o-johns! HA!  How can you even refuse?

4)      So, with the previous stated…(and I’m somewhat reluctant to post this) We ARE accepting more donations if you have those annoying things you keep tripping on when you open that hall closet… We’ll take whatever it is we can get! EVERY LAST PENNY we earn is going STRAIGHT to our adoption fund (we are just about $2500 shy of submitting our dossier!) Remember this little pic? Yep! I’m reusing it because it’s so incredibly true! This money isn’t going into our pockets, folks…it’s going to our babies!

5)      With the approaching fall, we are greeted by the calendar stating the HUGE Christmas in October Craft Show at the Findlay, Ohio fairgrounds is AROUND THE CORNER!!!! October 1st and 2nd (first Saturday and Sunday in October) will be the dates for our NEXT Craft Show.

6)      Therefore, with the fast-approaching show our fingers are busily working on creating new inventory! The selection will be wonderful!!! We have slowed down orders and paused our etsy site as we need to really concentrate on MONKEYS! We’ve created a lot of smiles both on the faces of our monkeys, as well as the faces of the recipients and really look forward to seeing where God takes us throughout the next few months!

7)      And through all of this, I’m completing two courses for my state licensure in counseling and Travis is preparing to head back to school in about a month to a new  special ed. position in the new K-8 Art’s Magnet school.

Alright, so with all of those updates we NEED YOU TO DO SOMETHING…We NEED you to continue supporting our family in PRAYER! We’ve had some hard weeks, but with the obstacles we’re really be able to see our God working…even if it means we had to call in back up law enforcement 🙂   (see previous post on our donated corn stove being stolen from our yard, but then RETURNED after finding it listed on Craigslist…LOOOOONG crazy story!). So, we’re asking you to shoot up some prayers for us as this crazy roller coaster of adoption continues as we are on it for the long hull!

Thank you, friends!!!!